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Submitted by jjorth on Mon, 07/02/2018 - 07:10

We're moving to Visual Studio 2015 from 2010 and need to use the GCL Wrapper (provides GCL interface, implemented with GCLIB). Our code compiles with the gcl wrapper, except we make a call to SetDynamicLink() that was part of GCL and this line is now commented out in the Wrapper's galil.h. I had to uncomment it to make the code build. Is this function needed anymore?


//DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT void SetDynamicLink (void);

Comments 1

VincentN on 07/12/2018 - 17:05

I would need to get more information regarding your system, such as operating system, architecture, etc, to say for sure. If you would like more information or have further issues with building your application, feel free to contact our applications support team by phone or email.

Vincent Nagel
Applications Engineer
Galil Motion Control