Communication Library Reference

The GalilTools Communication Library (Galil class) provides methods for communication with a Galil motion controller over Ethernet, RS-232 or PCI buses. It consists of a native C++ Library and a similar COM interface which extends compatibility to Windows programming languages (e.g. VB, C#, etc). More...

Public Members

  • Connecting and Disconnecting
  • Basic Communication

  • Programs
  • Arrays
  • Advanced
  • Data Record

  • Detailed Description

    The GalilTools Communication Library (Galil class) provides methods for communication with a Galil motion controller over Ethernet, RS-232 or PCI buses. It consists of a native C++ Library and a similar COM interface which extends compatibility to Windows programming languages (e.g. VB, C#, etc).

    A Galil object (usually referred to in sample code as "g") represents a connection to a Galil controller. For Ethernet controllers, which support more than one connection, multiple objects may be used to communicate with the controller.

    The library is conceptually divided into six categories:

    1. Connecting and Disconnecting - functions to establish and discontinue communication with a controller.
    2. Basic Communication - The most heavily used functions for command-and-response and unsolicited messages.
    3. Programs - Downloading and uploading embedded programs.
    4. Arrays - Downloading and uploading array data.
    5. Advanced - Lesser-used calls.
    6. Data Record - Access to the data record in both synchronous and asynchronous modes.

    C++ Library (Windows and Linux)

    Both Full and Lite versions of GalilTools ship with a native C++ communication library. The Linux version ( is compatible with g++ and the Windows version (Galil1.dll) with Visual C++ 2008. Contact Galil if another version of the C++ library is required. See the getting started guide and the hello.cpp example in /lib.

    COM (Windows)

    To further extend the language compatibility on Windows, a COM (Component Object Model) class built on top of the C++ library is also provided with Windows releases. This COM wrapper can be used in any language and IDE supporting COM (Visual Studio 2005, 2008, etc). The COM wrapper includes all of the functionality of the base C++ class. See the getting started guide and the hello.* examples in \lib for more info.

    The Data Record

    The data record is a Galil controller feature that is ideal for data collection and controller monitoring. It is a binary data structure generated by the controller's firmware either in a periodic and asynchronous manner (DR) or via an interrogated, synchronous command (QR). The transmitted data contains a variety of controller information: encoder positions, reference positions, profiler information, I/O, program information, user variables on the Accelera family, and much more.

    The Watch All window in GalilTools displays the entire data record for a particular controller and is an excellent way to conceptualize the data record operation.

    Graphical depiction of the data record operation.

    As in GalilTools, the data record Units, Description, Scaling, and Offset can all be set with the setSource() function. See setSource() and Watch for more information.

    QR vs. DR

    There are two methods for data record acquisition:

  • QR. By sending the command "QR" from the host, the controller responds back with a Data Record. This is a command-and-response acquisition. GalilTools Watch uses QR for low frequency, non-periodic data records.
  • DR. By using recordsStart(n), where n is a sample period in milliseconds, the controller is configured in asynchronous mode. Data will be sent by the controller periodically and without action from the host. The GalilTools Scope uses the DR method where possible for high-frequency, periodic data records.
  • The QR and DR details are abstracted by the data record API. Consult the controller command reference for more information regarding QR and DR.

    Flow of data from controller.

    The most significant bit in received bytes is used to determine unsolicited verses solicited data during a synchronous (solicited) transaction (See CW in controller command reference). If data is received by the library NOT during a synchronous transaction (e.g. command()) the data will automatically be put in the unsolicited queue regardless of the most significant bit.


    The exceptions thrown by the Galil class were designed to allow for easy debugging by providing human-readable information. No error-code table needs to be referenced by the programmer as the error information is included in the error. All thrown objects are strings. String search functions or error codes can be used to determine the nature of an error.

    "TC1" is sent to the controller automatically by the drivers in the event of a fault. This controller-generated error text is included in the string thrown by the drivers.

    Example 1. Using string functions to programmatically handle thrown errors (below is a partial Try/Catch handler)

    Catch exception As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
        Console.WriteLine(exception) 'print error message
        If exception.Message.Contains("COMMAND ERROR") Then
            Console.WriteLine("a command error occurred") 'special processing for command errors
        End If
    End Try

    For programmers wishing to use a traditional return code, the first 4 characters of every error message contains a unique error code.

    The first character of the return code contains the broad category of error:

    The next two digits contain a number specifying the function which generated the error. Note there is a private funtion at x01x that may throw in other functions.

    The last digit (xxx0) is a serial number (0-9) to provide uniqueness among very similar errors.

    1xxx TIMEOUT
    2xxx COMMAND
    3xxx MONITOR
    4xxx FILE
    5xxx OPEN
    6xxx WRONG BUS
    7xxx INVALID
    8xxx WARNING
    9xxx OFFLINE (COM only)
    x00x Galil()
    x02x command()
    x03x message()
    x04x interrupt()
    x05x programUpload()	
    x06x programDownload()
    x07x programUploadFile()
    x08x programDownloadFile()
    x09x arrayUpload()
    x10x arrayDownload()
    x11x arrayUploadFile()
    x12x arrayDownloadFile()
    x13x firmwareDownloadFile()
    x14x recordsStart()
    x15x record()
    x16x sourceValue()
    x17x source()
    x18x setSource()
    x19x sources()
    x20x write()
    x21x read()
    x22x commandValue()
    x23x connection()
    x24x timeout_ms

    Example 2. Using the first 4 characters of a thrown string as a return code.

    catch(string e){
       int t = atoi( (e.substr(0,1)).c_str() ); // get int for type, first digit of code
       int f = atoi( (e.substr(1,2)).c_str() ); // int for function, middle two digits of code
       int u = atoi( (e.substr(3,1)).c_str() ); // int for unique serial, last digit of code
       //ints can now be used in switch statements to handle all variations of error 

    Member Documentation



    Galil::Galil(string address = "")


    address As String


    string address

    Galil() is the constructor for the Galil C++ class and invoking it will create a new instance and open the specified connection. There is one argument to the constructor class which indicates the connection to open. Set the address property when using the COM class on Windows.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringaddress"GALILPCI1"Connection string for controller (see examples of valid strings below). If "" (null), display the Connections dialog to allow the user to choose a controller.

    The string "OFFLINE" will close the connection. The program may not close the connection upon exiting; the sure way to close a connection is to close it manually. Additionally, an error will be thrown, therefore it is expected that a try/catch block is used to prevent any program crashes.

    Example 1. null string

    With a null string passed to the Galil constructor, the Connections dialog will be presented for the user to choose the connection to open.

    Dim g As New Galil.Galil 'Dimension g variable for instantiated object
    g.address = "" 'Specify null address, Connections dialog will display
    Galil g("");   //prompt user for connection
    Galil g;   //uses default "" from header

    Example 2. Valid addresses (Note: strings in quotes are valid for all programming languages)

    Galil g("COM1 19200");         //RS-232 port 1, 19200 baud, Windows (DMC-21x3/40x0)
    Galil g("/dev/ttyS0 19200");   //RS-232 port 1, 19200 baud, Linux (DMC-21x3/40x0)
    Galil g("");      //IP Address (TCP) (DMC-21x3/40x0/RIO)
    Galil g("RIO47100-13");        //DNS name for supported controller (DHCP support) (RIO/DMC-4000)
    Galil g("GALILPCI1");          //Galil PCI (DMC-18x6/18x2), Windows (DMC-18x2/18x6)
    Galil g("/dev/galilpci0");     //Galil PCI (DMC-18x6/18x2), Linux (DMC-18x2/18x6)
    Galil g("OFFLINE");            //Offline connection. 

    Note: The connection behaviour can be modified by appending address line switches to the connection address string. See the connection address options table in the connections chapter for a complete list.

    Example 3. Path to Connection file

    If the address ends in the substring ".con", it refers to a con file as saved by the Connections dialog.

    Galil g("connection.con");                                              //Connect to string in con file
    Galil g("c:/documents and settings/John Doe/Galil/myconnection.con");   //.con file at different path than executable
    Galil.Galil g = new Galil.Galil(); //Dimension g variable for instantiated object
    g.address = "myController.con"; //connect to contents of con file

    A .con file is simply a text file containing a valid address.

    A connection can be changed simply by modifying the object's address.

    Example 4. Changing connection of Galil object

    For i As Integer = 1 To 5 '5 iterations
         g.address = "" 'display connection chooser to determine connection
         Label1.Text = g.connection 'display connection on Form label
    Next i

    Upon invoking the constructor, several values are interrogated: controller revision information, presence of analog inputs, serial number, connected handle, etc., and the following state changes are made:

    Command SentPurposeConsequences
    CFISet the current connected handle as the handle used for unsolicited messages. (Ethernet Only)CFI will "steal" the unsolicited handle away from any other connection currently using it.
    EO0Disable Echo on RS-232 connections.Commands typed will not be echoed back by the controller. This is important so that echoed commands are not interpreted as command responses.
    CW1Mark Unsolicited Bytes.All unsolicited messages will have the most significant bit (extended ASCII) set. This allows the library to differentiate between solicited (zero in the highest bit) and unsolicited (highest bit 1) bytes. See message() for more info.

    For the COM version, if it is desirable to set the address property frequently, the user may benefit from creating a new instance of the Galil object for each iteration. When doing so, note that the original connection is not released until the original object is destroyed. For example in dot net languages, after assigning a new instance to the variable, the user can invoke the garbage collector (GC.Collect()) to destroy the old instance of Galil and thereby disconnect from the controller.

    	5000 OPEN ERROR.  User cancelled connection from dialog in Galil::Galil()	
    	4000 FILE ERROR.  Galil::Galil() failed to open file...
    	5001 OPEN ERROR.  OFFLINE specified to Galil::Galil()
    	5002 OPEN ERROR.  Galil::Galil() failed to open PCI device...
    	5003 OPEN ERROR.  Galil::Galil() failed to open RS-232 port...
    	5004 OPEN ERROR.  Galil::Galil() failed to open Ethernet host...
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...




    ~Galil is the destructor for a Galil object and is automatically invoked when a Galil object's scope is ended (or when delete is called in C++). When the destructor runs, the connection to the controller is closed.

    Example 1. Destructor gets called when scope of object ends.

    {// scope for g
    	Galil g(""); //Constructor -- Connect to controller
    }//destructor invoked on g -- Connection is closed

    Example 2. Disconnecting from a controller (handling OFFLINE error).

    Try 'main Try Catch block
        g = New Galil.Galil 'create a new Galil object
        g.address = "" 'specify address
        MsgBox("Connected to " + g.connection) 'display connection information
        Try 'nested Try catch block
          g.address = "OFFLINE" 'OFFLINE causes the destructor to run, disconecting from the controller
        Catch ex As Exception 'OFFLINE throws an error so catch and ignore it
        End Try
        MsgBox("Now Disconnected") 'code keeps running
    Catch ex As Exception 'catch for the main Try.  This would catch normal errors, such as connection timeout
    End Try

    If the DR interval is 0 upon instantiation and recordsStart() is called during the extent of a Galil object, the destructor will issue a DR0 to terminate the data record automatic dispatch. If the DR interval was nonzero at connection or if recordsStart() was not called, the destructor does not change the DR state.

    TCP connections will be closed, however UDP resources, being connectionless, are not released. If the user desires to close UDP resources, the IH command may be used prior to destructor. See the controller's command reference under IH.

    Throws: none



    vector<string> Galil::addresses()

    Returns a list of available addresses to connect to (e.g. ""). Each item in the list may be fed to the constructor Galil(). This is a dynamically generated list with the same contents as the Available Tab in the GalilTools connections dialog. Each time this function is called is like clicking refresh in the Available Tab

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    vector<string>return" ; ;"A list of all available controllers by address

    Although not necesarily addresses of controllers, available RS-232 ports will also be listed.

    Example 1. Printing available addresses

    Dim g As New Galil.Galil 'note, no connection needed to invoke addresses()
    For Each address As String In g.addresses()
        TextBox1.AppendText(address + vbCrLf)



    string Galil::connection()

    Returns a string containing connection-related information. This information includes the address, controller firmware revision information, serial number, and Ethernet handle (where applicable). The following are return examples.

    GALILPCI1, DMC1886 Rev 1.0b, 36
    COM2 19200, DMC2182 Rev 1.0p, 202, DMC4020 Rev 1.0a, 189, IHD

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn"GALILPCI1, DMC1886 Rev 1.0b, 36"Controller and connection information

    Example 1. Printing the connection information

    MsgBox(g.connection, MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton1, "Galil Controller Info") 'display message box with connection info
    Console.WriteLine(g.connection()); //write connection information to the console
    cout << g.connection() << endl;  //print connection info to screen
    	9230 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::connection() called without Galil::address set



    int Galil::timeout_ms

    Specifies the general purpose timeout in milliseconds for Galil(), command(), commandValue(), programUpload(), programUploadFile(), arrayUpload(), arrayUploadFile(), and record(). It defaults to 500ms.

    Example 1. Specifying the timeout for a connection

    g.timeout = 2000 'set timeout to two seconds
    Throws (COM only):
    	9240 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::timeout_ms set without Galil::address set
    	9241 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::timeout_ms read without Galil::address set



    string Galil::command(string command = "MG TIME", string terminator = "\r", string ack = ":", bool trim = true)

    Sends a command to the Galil controller and returns the response from the controller if ack is received within timeout_ms. If an unexpected response is returned (usually a "?") or the timeout is exceeded, the function will throw an error.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn"123"The function returns a string containing the response from the controller.
    stringcommand"TPA"A valid Galil command to send to the controller.
    stringterminator"\r"A string to append to the end of command. In almost all cases a carriage return should be used. NOTE: Do not append a \r in the "command" string.
    stringack":"The expected last character acknowledgemnet in a good response. In almost all cases a colon is expected.
    booltrimtrueIf true, the leading space and the trailing carriage return, line feed and colon will be stripped from the response. False is useful for terminal applications.

    Example 1. Basic command() use:

    Button1.Text = g.command("MG@IN[1]") 'update Button1 text with the state of controller digital input 1
    button1.Text = g.command("TI","\r",":",true); //update button1 text with input byte 0 (Tell Input, TI). Note, C# requires all command() args present

    Example 2. Using the extra arguments (advanced). Specify a different terminator to allow program download with overwrite (See DL in controller command reference).

    g.programDownload("MG\"Start\"\r#HERE\rMG\"Overwrite This\"\rEN\r"); //download code
    g.command("DL#HERE\rMG\"Overwritten\"\rEN\r","\\"); //overwrite the program at label #HERE.  Note the backslash terminator.

    Example 3. Using the extra arguments (advanced). Specify a different terminator to allow array download with overwrite (See QD in controller command reference).

    Dim arrayData = New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} 'create array 
    g.arrayDownload(arrayData, "A") 'download the array
    g.command("QD A[],8,9" + vbCr + "100" + vbCr + "200", "\", ":", True) 'overwrite the last two elements of array.  Note the backslash terminator.

    Example 4. Binary command() use (advanced)

    In almost all applications, use of binary commands is not necessary; however, for those applications requiring it, the command function can be used.

    g.command(string("\xA0\x00\x00\x01",4),""); //binary for BGA.  Note no carriage return in terminator.
    	7020 INVALID COMMAND ERROR.  DL, UL, ED, and QD are not allowed from Galil::command()
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9020 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::command() called without Galil::address set



    double Galil::commandValue(string command = "MG TIME")

    Convenience function for interrogating a single integer ("MG_TPA"), real number ("MG@AN[1]"), or boolean ("MG_BGA") value from the controller.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    doublereturn2.3524Response from controller converted to floating point
    stringcommand"MG@AN[1]"The command to send to the controller. NOTE: Do not append a \r in the "command" string.

    Example 1. Interrogating Position

    double positionA = g.commandValue("TPA");

    Note: For commands that don't return a number (e.g. XQ, ST, BG), a zero will be returned.

    	7020 INVALID COMMAND ERROR.  DL, UL, ED, and QD are not allowed from Galil::command()
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9220 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::commandValue() called without Galil::address set



    string Galil::message(int timeout_ms = 500)

    VB Event

    Sub onMessage(ByVal message As String)

    C# Event

    void onMessage(string message)

    Returns unsolicited messages (MGs) sent from the controller. Traffic transmitted by the controller to the host can be categorized into two primary groups: solicited and unsolicited. Solicited bytes are responses from commands sent by the host. For example, a solicited message is an encoder position string returned from g.command("TPX"). Unsolicited messages are transmitted asynchronously and could be output from MG commands from a running program aboard the controller, asynchronous error messages, trace (TR1) output, or responses from commands in a controller-side DMC program (TP, RP, etc).

    For Ethernet connections, the library will automatically open two Ethernet handles on the controller. One TCP handle for command-and-response traffic, and one UDP handle for asynchrounous data, including messages (MGs).

    C++: If the host-side message queue is empty, message() will wait up to timeout_ms for a message. If none occur within timeout_ms, a timeout error will be thrown. If there are already messages in the queue when message() is called, the function will immediately return the contents. If a zero timeout is specified, no errors will be thrown; message() will simply return the waiting queue (even if it is empty, ""). A -1 timeout will cause message() to block until a message is received.

    COM: There are no timeouts for the onMessage event.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn"Hello\rMy TP Value- 123.0000"Returned contents of the unsolicited messages buffer
    inttimeout_ms500The time in milliseconds to wait for the existence of data in the message queue

    Example 1. Printing unsolicited messages

    Private Sub g_onMessage(ByVal message As String) Handles g.onMessage 'event runs when message received
       messagesTextBox.AppendText(message) 'print to textbox
    End Sub
    //in initialization code block
    g.onMessage += new Galil.Events_onMessageEventHandler(g_onMessage); //hook up to the onMessage Event
    //event subroutine
    void g_onMessage(string message) { //handler for the onMessage event
       messagesTextBox.AppendText(message); }
    cout << g.message(0); //Print current message buffer to console. No waiting or throws.
    	1030 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::message() took longer than ... ms to read MG



    void Galil::programDownload(program = "MG TIME\rEN")

    Downloads a program from a host buffer to the Galil controller. For very long programs which are larger than the controller's program space (e.g. 80 characters by 2000 lines on DMC-40x0), the function will attempt to compress the program before downloading. This is done by removing white space and concatenating multiple commands onto each line of code. A warning (8060) will be thrown signaling that compression was required and a try-catch block included in every call to this function is recommended to handle this possible warning condition.

    If line zero of the buffer contains REM DISABLE COMPRESSION, code will not be compressed and downloading otherwise compressable code will throw an error and fail.

    See write() for examples of downloading code with insertion and while motion is profiling.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringprogram"MG TIME\rEN"String containing the program to download with each line separated by a carriage return.

    Example 1. Download a program to controller from buffer

    g.programDownload("#A\rMGTIME\rWT500\rJP#A\rEN"); //Download a program to controller

    Example 2. Download program from textbox and then execute

    g.programDownload(ProgramTextBox.Text) 'Download the contents of the textbox
    g.command("XQ") 'Send execute command
    	7060 INVALID CHARACTER ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't download program with backslash \ character.  Use {^92} in MG commands
    	7061 INVALID LENGTH ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't compress line "..." of ... columns or more
    	7062 INVALID LENGTH ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't download compressed program with more than ... lines by ... columns.  
    	   Contact Galil for special  memory expansion firmware:
    	7063 INVALID LENGTH ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't download program with more than ... lines by ... columns because compression is disabled.
    	8060 COMPRESSION WARNING.  Galil::programDownload() modified program to fit in ... lines by ... columns (check LS)
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9060 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::programDownloadFile(string file = "program.dmc")

    Downloads a program file to the Galil controller. The program text is read from a file located on the host file system. For very long programs which are larger than the controller's program space (e.g. 80 characters by 2000 lines on DMC-40x0), the function will attempt to compress the program before downloading. This is done by removing white space and concatenating multiple commands onto each line of code. A warning (8060) will be thrown signaling that compression was required and a try-catch block included in every call to this function is recommended to handle this possible warning condition.

    If line zero of the file contains REM DISABLE COMPRESSION, code will not be compressed and downloading otherwise compressable code will throw an error and fail.

    See write() for examples of downloading code with insertion and while motion is profiling.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringprogram"galilProgram.dmc"String containing path and filename of dmc file. If only the filename is specified, the executable's directory will be used as the path.

    Example 1. Display file chooser and download selected file

    Dim chooseFile As New OpenFileDialog()  'dimension file chooser object
    chooseFile.Filter = "DMC Files (*.dmc)|*.dmc" 'set filter to dmc files
    chooseFile.ShowDialog() 'display chooser to user
    g.programDownloadFile(chooseFile.FileName) 'download selected path (note, no error checking included)

    Example 2. Download a program to controller from file

    g.programDownloadFile("myProgram.dmc"); //Download a program to controller
    	4080 FILE ERROR.  Galil::programDownloadFile() failed to open file...
    	7060 INVALID CHARACTER ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't download program with backslash \ character.  Use {^92} in MG commands
    	7061 INVALID LENGTH ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't compress line "..." of ... columns or more
    	7062 INVALID LENGTH ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't download compressed program with more than ... lines by ... columns.  
    	  Contact Galil for special  memory expansion firmware:
    	7063 INVALID LENGTH ERROR.  Galil::programDownload() can't download program with more than ... lines by ... columns because compression is disabled.
    	8060 COMPRESSION WARNING.  Galil::programDownload() modified program to fit in ... lines by ... columns (check LS)
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9080 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::programDownloadFile() called without Galil::address set



    string Galil::programUpload()

    Uploads the controller's program to a buffer on the host.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn"#A\r\nMGTIME\r\nWT500\r\nJP#A\r\nEN"Uploaded controller program with lines separated by carriage return, new line.

    Example 1. Upload program and print to screen

    OutputTextBox.AppendText(g.programUpload()); //Append controller program buffer to form textbox (VB syntax similar)
    string buffer = g.programUpload();  // declare string and stuff with uploaded program
    cout << buffer;	// print buffer to console
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9050 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::programUpload() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::programUploadFile(string file = "program.dmc")

    Accepts a string argument containing the path to a local file where the uploaded program is to be saved. If no path is specified, the executable's directory is used. If a file with the same name and path exists, it will be overwritten. If no matching file exists, a new file will be created.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringfile"uploadedProgram.dmc"Desired filename where the controller program will be saved

    Example 1. Upload program and save to file

    g.programUploadFile("Galil.dmc");  // upload program and save to file

    Example 2. Display save file chooser and save controller program buffer to location user specifies

    Dim saveFile As New SaveFileDialog() 'dimension file chooser object
    saveFile.Filter = "DMC Files (*.dmc)|*.dmc" 'set filter to dmc files
    saveFile.ShowDialog() 'display chooser to user
    g.programUploadFile(saveFile.FileName) 'save controller buffer to file
    	4070 FILE ERROR.  Galil::programUploadFile() failed to open file...
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9070 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::programUploadFile() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::arrayDownload(vector<double> array , string name = "array")

    Downloads a single, one dimensional array to the controller. If the array name already exists on the controller, the existing array will be deallocated and replaced with the new array (this allows for smaller or larger arrays than the existing array to be downloaded).

    Do not execute this API while a Record Array Mode is running on the controller (RC,RD,RA). _RC can be interrogated to ensure the Record Array Mode is idle before downloading to the array table.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    vector<double>array(1,2,3,4)Data on host for download.
    stringname"A"Name of array on controller where data will be saved. Array does not need to preexist.

    Example 1. Downloading an array of numbers to the controlller

    Dim myArray() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 'create an array of information to download to the controller
    g.arrayDownload(myArray, "array") 'Create an array on the controller named "array" and load the information from myarray into it
    vector<double> arraydata;  //declare vector to hold array
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000 ; i ++) 
    	arraydata.push_back(3.1416);  //fill array with 1000 values of pi
    g.arrayDownload(arraydata,"A"); //download array to controller array "A"
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	7101 INVALID ARRAY DOWNLOAD ERROR. Galil::arrayDownload() does not modify ... while RC is running.
    	9100 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::arrayDownload() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::arrayDownloadFile(string file = "arrays.csv")

    Allows a group of arrays to be downloaded to the controller from a csv file.

    If there are existing array names on the controller which match array names in the specified csv file, the controller arrays are overwritten. If there are existing array names on the controller not in the csv file, the non-matching arrays are untouched. This means that the csv download function will append to the array table where possible, and overwrite where necessary.

    Do not execute this API while a Record Array Mode is running on the controller (RC,RD,RA). _RC can be interrogated to ensure the Record Array Mode is idle before downloading to the array table.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringfile"dataTable.csv"Path to csv file on host containing one or more arrays to write to the controller's array table. Note the array names are the first row of the csv.

    Example 1. Downloading multiple arrays from a csv file to the controller.

    g.arrayDownloadFile("arrays.csv") 'download the contents of arrays.csv to the controller array table
    Label2.Text = g.command("LA") 'write the names and sizes of the controller's arrays (LA) to a form label
    g.arrayDownloadFile("array.csv"); //download the contents of array.csv to the controller array table
    	4112 FILE ERROR.  Galil::arrayDownloadFile() failed to open file...
    	7121 INVALID ARRAY DOWNLOAD ERROR. Galil::arrayDownloadFile() does not modify ... while RC is running.
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9120 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::arrayDownloadFile() called without Galil::address set



    vector<double> Galil::arrayUpload(string name = "array")

    Uploads a particular array from the controller to a host buffer.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    vector<double>return(1.234 , 2.456 , ...)Contents of the uploaded array
    stringname"array"Name of controller-side array to be uploaded. Array names can be interrogated with the "LA" (List Arrays) command.

    Example 1. Uploading array data from controller

    vector<double> arrayUp;  //create vector for array
    arrayUp = g.arrayUpload("A"); //upload array from controller

    Example 2. Uploading and printing array data from controller

    Array arrayUp = (Array)g.arrayUpload("a");  //upload controller array "a" to local host array.
    for (int i = 0; i < arrayUp.Length; i++)
        OutputTextBox.AppendText(i.ToString() + ": " + arrayUp.GetValue(i) + "\r\n");  //print the uploaded array
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9090 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::arrayUpload() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::arrayUploadFile(string file, string names = "")

    Uploads the entire controller array table or a subset thereof and saves it as a csv file specified by the user.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringfile"c:\\Documents and Settings\\JohnDoe\\array\\array.csv"The path to the file to which the array data should be saved
    stringnames"array1 posX A B"A space delimited string containing the array names that should be uploaded. A null string, "", uploads all arrays.

    Example 1. Uploading a controller array subset to a csv file

    g.arrayUploadFile("arraysUp.csv", "A B C"); //upload arrays A, B, and C from controller to arraysUp.csv

    Example 2. Uploading the entire array table to a user-specified path and filename, and then opening that file in Microsoft Excel

    Dim saveFile As New SaveFileDialog() 'dimension file chooser object
    saveFile.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv" 'set filter to csv files
    saveFile.ShowDialog() 'display chooser to user
    g.arrayUploadFile(saveFile.FileName) 'save controller array table to csv file
    'Shell() is used to execute external applications in the Windows shell.  The path to Excel is version-specific
    Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\EXCEL.EXE """ + saveFile.FileName + """", AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus, False)
    	4110 FILE ERROR.  Galil::arrayUploadFile() failed to open file...
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9110 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::arrayUploadFile() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::firmwareDownloadFile(string file = "firmware.hex")

    Allows controller firmware to be upgraded. Note that Galil distributes firmware files in a zip archive which must be decompressed prior to loading. Firmware files end in a .hex extension. Ensure the correct firmware version/model before downloading (loading an incompatible firmware will require a reloading of the correct firmware).

    DMC-21x3: this function is only allowed via RS-232.

    Upon invoking firmwareDownloadFile() a GUI progress bar dialog will display.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringfile"c:\\Documents and Settings\\JohnDoe\\Galil Firmware\\d400rcur.hex"The path to the firmware hex file to download. If no path is specified, the executable directory is used.

    Example 1. Ask user for firmware file path and update controller firmware

    Dim chooseFile As New OpenFileDialog()  'dimension file chooser object
    chooseFile.Filter = "Hex Files (*.hex)|*.hex" 'set filter to hex files
    chooseFile.ShowDialog() 'display chooser to user
    g.firmwareDownloadFile(chooseFile.FileName) 'download firmware
    string filename; //create string for filename
    cout << "Enter firmware path to download:" << endl; //prompt user
    getline(cin,filename); //get input from the console (hex file expected) -- getline requires #include <fstream>
    g.firmwareDownloadFile(filename); //update controller firmware
    	4130 FILE ERROR.  Galil::firmwareDownloadFile() failed to open file...
    	6130 WRONG BUS ERROR.  Galil::firmwareDownloadFile() isn't allowed via Ethernet.  Use RS-232
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of > response...
    	9130 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::firmwareDownloadFile() called without Galil::address set



    string Galil::read()

    Allows for direct read access to the input buffer from the controller. This function is not intended for normal use, as the other APIs provide a higher level of functionality. This function should be used in cases of firmware specials which break the standard Galil communication standards, or for users who wish to implement their own lower-level data-parsing algorithms. See Detailed Description for a graphical overview of how the input buffer is parsed.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn"123\r\n:"Actual bytes read

    Example 1. Read generic data from controller

    string r;
    g.command("CW2");      //controller won't set MSB for MGs. Note Galil software usually expects CW1
    while (1){ 
       r =;      //read any available data		
       if (r.size() != 0) //if non-empty
          cout << r;       //print
    Dim r As String
    g.command("CW2") 'controller won't set MSB for MGs. Note Galil software usually expects CW1
    While (Not Console.KeyAvailable) 'no key pressed
        r = 'read any available data
        If (r.Length <> 0) Then 'if non-empty
            Console.WriteLine(r) 'print
        End If
    End While

    Note: The status of the data adjustment bit (CW) will influence how unsolicited messages are returned from the controller.

    	9210 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::read() called without Galil::address set



    int Galil::write(string bytes = "\r")

    Allows for direct writes to the controller. This function is not intended for normal use, rather for special applications where command() can not be used. Note: command() can be used for the majority of even special applications.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    intreturn18The actual number of bytes written (which can be less than the length of the "bytes" argument below)
    stringbytes"MGTIME\rTPX\rMGTIME\r"Buffer to write to the controller. Length must be less than or equal to 511 bytes.

    Example 1. write/read transaction

    string buffer = "";  //buffer to hold read data
    g.write("\x12\x16\r"); //write <ctrl>R<ctrl>V to the controller
    while ( buffer == "") buffer =; //while read returns nothing keep reading
    cout << "read() returned " << buffer.size() << " bytes.  It said " << buffer << endl;  //print response
    Dim buffer As String = "" 'buffer to hold read data
    g.write(Chr(18) + Chr(22) + vbCr) 'write <ctrl>R<ctrl>V to controller (Chr takes ascii decimal, not hex)
    While (buffer.Length = 0) 'while read returns nothing
        buffer = 'keep reading
    End While
    Console.WriteLine("Read() reaturned " + buffer.Length.ToString + " bytes.  It said " + buffer + vbCrLf) 'print response

    Example 2. Program download with insertion, or while motion is profiling

      programDownload() and programDownloadFile() do not support
      download with insertion or download while motion is profiling
      Assume file 'dmcFile' is open and 
      'lines' contains the number of program lines
      in the file (less REM lines)
      'lineCap' contains the max number of lines downloadable
      Program line capacity:
       DMC-40x0, 18x6, 41x3 = 2000
       RIO-47xx0 = 200
       RIO-47xx2 = 400
       Others = 1000
      'charsCap' contains the number of characters per line
       RIO-xxxx = 40
       Others = 80
      'location' is a std::string containing the insertion point
       ""       download at beginning of program buffer
       #Label   Begins download at line following #Label (more lines checking required)
       #        Begins download at end of program in RAM (more lines checking required)
    if (lines <= lineCap)
    	g.write("DL"+location+"\r"); //start the download
            while (!dmcFile.eof())
                if (line.substr(0,3) != "REM")//filter out REM lines
                	if (line.size() > charsCap)
                    cout << "Line too long: " << line << endl;
                    g.write("\\");//close write session on controller
                    return 1;
                  g.write(line + "\r");
            g.write("\\");//close write session on controller
     cout << "Too many lines: " << lines << endl;
    	9200 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::write() called without Galil::address set



    int Galil::interrupt(int timeout_ms = 500)

    VB Event

    Sub onInterrupt(ByVal status As Integer)

    C# Event

    void onInterrupt(int status)

    Provides access to the PCI and Ethernet interrupt status byte for both the EI and UI conditions. DMC-18x2/6 and DMC-40x0 Rev 1.0b only.

    C++: When invoked, this function will sleep until an interrupt is received (or timeout expires) and returns the controller's status byte. A timeout of zero will check for an interrupt condition but will not throw an error. Instead, it will return the status byte or return zero if there isn't a status byte waiting. A timeout of -1 will block until an interrupt occurs.

    COM: The onInterrupt event does not have a timeout.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    intreturn0xf0The returned status byte from an interrupt event. See chapter 4 in PCI controller manual for a reference table. See EI in the DMC-40x0 command reference for further Ethernet information.
    inttimeout_ms100time in milliseconds to wait for interrupt to occur

    Example 1. Returning status byte from an interrupt.

    Private Sub g_onInterrupt(ByVal status As Integer) Handles g.onInterrupt 'subroutine runs when Interrupt event occurs
       interruptsTextBox.AppendText(status.ToString + vbCrLf) 'print status byte to text box
    End Sub
    //in initialization code block
    g.onInterrupt += new Galil.Events_onInterruptEventHandler(g_onInterrupt); //hook up to the onInterrupt Event
    //event subroutine
    void g_onInterrupt(int status){ //handler for the Interrupt event
        interruptsTextBox.AppendText(status.ToString()+ "\r\n"); }
    int status = g.interrupt(100); //sleep for interrupt 100ms
    	1040 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::interrupt() took longer than ... ms to read status byte
    	6040 WRONG BUS ERROR.  Galil::interrupt() not supported.  Use Galil::message()



    static string Galil::libraryVersion()

    Returns a string containing the library version. This is a static function and does not require a Galil object to be instantiated (C++) or address property to be set (Com). The string returned will resemble: Jan 30 2008 14:32:55

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn" Aug 20 2008 18:28:39 GalilClass0.dll Aug 20 2008 18:28:19 Galil1.dll"
    The library version. COM version (line 1) is also included when using it.

    Example 1. Printing the library version

    cout << Galil::libraryVersion() << endl; //print library version information to console
    statusTextBox.AppendText(g.libraryVersion) 'Printing library version info to text box



    vector<string> Galil::sources()

    Returns an array of strings corresponding to the names of all available data record sources. A source (e.g. _TPA) is used as a key into sourceValue() to return a source's value from a given record. It is also the key into sourceUnits() and sourceDescription() which return static but useful information about a source's unit of measure and description.

    The returned sources array is static for a particular controller and so therefore need only be retrieved once per connection.

    The array is returned in alphabetic order.

    See the detailed description for more information.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    vector<string>return("@AN[1]","@AN[2]","@IN[01]","@IN[02]",...,"_TVB","_ZAA","_ZAB")An array of strings containing source names in the controller data record.

    Example 1. Retrieving sources and assigning a source name to a string variable.

    Dim s As Object = g.sources() 'create an object to hold all available sources
    Dim firstSource As String = s(0) 'create a string to hold the first source name
    MsgBox("The first available source is " + firstSource) 'print the first source name in the data record
    Array s = (Array)g.sources();     //get all sources available on this controller
    String firstSource = s.GetValue(0).ToString(); //get the first source name for example
    label1.Text = label1.Text + "The first available source is : " + firstSource + "\r\n";
    const vector<string> s = g.sources();//create a vector variable to hold all available sources
    const string firstSource = s[0];//create a string to hold the name of the first source
    cout << "The first available source is " << firstSource << endl;

    Example 2. Printing all available sources

    Dim s As Object = g.sources() 'create an object to hold all available sources
    For Each element As String In s  'step through sources and print every source name
        watchTextBox.AppendText(element + vbCrLf)
    vector<string> s = g.sources();  //create a vector to hold all available sources
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size() ; i++)  //step through sources and print every source name
       cout << s[i] << endl;
    	9190 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::sources() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::recordsStart(double period_ms = -1)

    Issues a DRn command to the controller to begin the asynchronous DR method of data record acquisition. The actual argument sent to the controller depends on the controller, but the fastest supported DR rate is configured by default. If period_ms > 0, the library will attempt to set DR to period_ms milliseconds based upon the controller's servo update rate (TM). If period_ms is unattainable, recordsStart() will set DR to an approximate value, throw an error, or set DR to zero (depending on the value of period_ms).

    The standard 18x2 firmware does not support the DR data record method (use "QR" in record()). For stand-alone controllers, DR is valid when connected over Ethernet, but not over RS-232.

    A UDP handle will be opened on Ethernet controllers to support the DR data.

    Consult the controller command reference under DR for more information.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    doubleperiod_ms32The desired period in true milliseconds of the asynchronous data dispatch or -1 for as fast as possible. 0 disables the data record dispatch.

    Example 1. Starting the data record with DR and checking the current DR value.

    g.recordsStart() 'start the records via DR mode
    MsgBox("Started records in DR mode.  DR argument is " + g.command("MG_DR")) 'check sample rate
    g.recordsStart(-1); //start data records in DR mode
    label1.text = g.command("MG_DR");  //check sampling rate
    g.recordsStart(); //start the records via DR mode
    cout << "Started records in DR mode.  DR argument is " << g.command("MG_DR") << endl;  //check current sample rate
    	6140 WRONG BUS ERROR.  Galil::recordsStart() isn't allowed via RS-232.  Use Ethernet
    	5140 OPEN ERROR.  Galil::recordsStart() failed to open UDP handle on port...
    	1010 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1011 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::command("...") took longer than ... ms to read : response...	
    	2010 COMMAND ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got ? instead of : response...
    	3010 MONITOR ERROR.  Galil::command("...") got > instead of : response.  Got...
    	9140 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::recordsStart() called without Galil::address set


    C++ (QR &  DR)

    vector<char> Galil::record(string method = "QR")

    VB (QR)

    Function record(Optional ByVal method As String = "QR") As Object

    VB Event (DR)

    Sub onRecord(ByVal record As Object)

    C# (QR)

    public virtual object record(string method)

    C# Event (DR)

    void onRecord(object record)

    Returns the controller's data record. If the QR method is specified, this function will perform a synchronous record acquisition by sending QR and waiting for the response (somewhat like command()). If the method is DR, this function will wait for the asynchronous transmission from the DR mode. Note, recordsStart() must be called prior to record() if the DR method is to be used. If the record is not returned within timeout_ms, the function will throw a timeout error.

    COM: the onRecord event will occur when a DR record is received. The record() function is also available for the QR method.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    vector<char> returnbinary datarecord() will return this vector filled with the data record bytes.
    stringmethod"QR"A string (either "QR" or "DR") specifying the data record acquisition method to be used.

    Example 1. Getting a record() using QR.

    Dim r As Object = g.record() 'get a record from the controller using QR (default) method
    Object r = g.record("QR"); //get a record using QR
    vector<char> r = g.record();//get a record from the controller using QR method

    Example 2. Getting a record() using DR.

    Public Class Form1
        Dim WithEvents g As Galil.Galil 'dimension Galil object WithEvents enabled
        Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
                g = New Galil.Galil
                g.address = "" 'connect to Ethernet controller
                Me.Text = g.connection() 'print connection information to form titlebar
                g.recordsStart(100) 'start records at 100 ms period
            Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub g_onRecord(ByVal record As Object) Handles g.onRecord 'event to handle record
            TextBox1.AppendText(g.sourceValue(record, "TIME").ToString + vbCrLf) 'print TIME source for each record
        End Sub
    End Class
    Galil.Galil g; //galil object variable
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        g = new Galil.Galil(); //create a new object
        g.address = ""; //connect to controller
        this.Text = g.connection(); //print connection in form titlebar
        g.onRecord += new Galil.Events_onRecordEventHandler(g_onRecord); //hook up to event
        g.recordsStart(100); //start records at 100 ms period
      }catch(System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex){ //catch any errors
    void g_onRecord(object record) //event runs when record received
      textBox1.AppendText(g.sourceValue(record, "TIME").ToString() + "\r\n"); //print time
    g.recordsStart(); //start the asynchronous DR mode
    vector <char> record = g.record("DR"); //get a record via DR
    	6150 WRONG BUS ERROR.  Galil::record("DR") not supported on RS-232.  Use Ethernet or Galil::record("QR")
    	1150 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::record("DR") took longer than ... ms to read ... bytes
    	1151 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::record("DR") took longer than ... ms to read ... bytes
    	1152 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::record("QR") took longer than ... ms to write
    	1153 TIMEOUT ERROR.  Galil::record("QR") took longer than ... ms to read ... bytes.  Got ... bytes
    	9150 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::record() called without Galil::address set



    double Galil::sourceValue(vector<char> record, string source = "TIME")

    Maps a data record source name to its value. Given a data record returned from record() and a valid source name as a key, this function returns the appropriate value.

    If an invalid source name is specified to sourceValue(), the value of TIME is returned.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    doublereturn6.4306The value returned corresponding to source
    vector< char>recordbinary dataA vector (as returned from record()) containing one valid controller data record
    stringsource"@AN[1]"A valid string as found in the sources() array specifying the desired data

    Example 1. Returning the TIME value from a data record buffer.

    Dim r As Object = g.record("QR") 'Get a record.  In this example, the QR method is used
    Label3.Text = g.sourceValue(r, "TIME").ToString 'Print the current TIME value into a form label

    Example 2. Display the value of the first source of the data record.

    label1.Text = label1.Text + firstSource + " value is: " + g.sourceValue(r, firstSource) + "\r\n";
    cout << firstSource << " value is: " << g.sourceValue(r , firstSource) << endl;  //display value
    	9160 UNINITIALIZED OBJECT ERROR.  Galil::sourceValue() called without Galil::address set



    string Galil::source(string field = "Description", string source = "TIME")

    Provides access to source related fields. By specifing a valid source field name and source, the field's value is returned.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringreturn"Sample counter"The value returned corresponding to the specified source's specified field
    stringfield"Description"The field of interest for a specified source. Valid fields are "Description", "Units", "Scale", & "Offset"
    stringsource"TIME"A valid source as found in the sources() array specifying the source in which to lookup field

    Example 1. Printing all fields of a source.

    TextBox1.AppendText(g.source("Description", "@AN[1]") + vbCrLf)
    TextBox1.AppendText(g.source("Units", "@AN[1]") + vbCrLf)
    TextBox1.AppendText(g.source("Scale", "@AN[1]") + vbCrLf)
    TextBox1.AppendText(g.source("Offset", "@AN[1]") + vbCrLf)
    'Analog input 1
    	9170 OFFLINE ERROR.  Galil::source() called without Galil::address set



    void Galil::setSource(string field = "Description", string source="TIME", string to= "Sample counter")

    Used to set the various fields of a data record source to custom values instead of Galil factory defaults.

    C++ TypeArgumentExampleDescription
    stringfield"Description"The field to set for a specified source. Valid fields are "Description", "Units", "Scale", & "Offset"
    This argument is overloaded to take a file path to a GalilTools project file. This allows loading data record configurations created from the GalilTools Watch-All tab. Leave the rest of the arguments blank.
    stringsource"TIME"A valid source as found in the sources() array specifying the source in which to change field
    stringto"16 bit upcounter"The value to assign to the specified field in the specified source

    Changing the Scale and Offset fields will affect the values returned from sourceValue(). These fields are used for pre-processing the raw controller data record before being passed up to the API. Set scale=1 and offset=0 to receive the raw controller data record values from sourceValue(). See the Watch chapter for more information.

    Example 1. Modifying fields of a source.

    'print default values
    TextBox1.AppendText("@AN[1]=" + g.sourceValue(g.record("QR"), "@AN[1]").ToString)
    TextBox1.AppendText(" " + g.source("Units", "@AN[1]"))
    TextBox1.AppendText(" (" + g.source("Description", "@AN[1]"))
    TextBox1.AppendText(" with scale " + g.source("Scale", "@AN[1]"))
    TextBox1.AppendText(" and offset " + g.source("Offset", "@AN[1]") + ")" + vbCrLf)
    'change fields
    g.setSource("Description", "@AN[1]", "RAW ADC Counts")
    g.setSource("Units", "@AN[1]", "counts(signed 16bit)")
    g.setSource("Scale", "@AN[1]", "1")
    'print new values
    TextBox1.AppendText("@AN[1]=" + g.sourceValue(g.record("QR"), "@AN[1]").ToString)
    TextBox1.AppendText(" " + g.source("Units", "@AN[1]"))
    TextBox1.AppendText(" (" + g.source("Description", "@AN[1]"))
    TextBox1.AppendText(" with scale " + g.source("Scale", "@AN[1]"))
    TextBox1.AppendText(" and offset " + g.source("Offset", "@AN[1]") + ")")
    'prints, depending on voltage on analog input one
    '@AN[1]=-9.248046875 V (Analog input 1 with scale 3276.8 and offset 0)
    '@AN[1]=-30256 counts(signed 16bit) (RAW ADC Counts with scale 1 and offset 0)

    Example 2. Loading a GalilTools project file.

    g.setSource("C:\Documents and Settings\user\Galil\default.project")
    	9150 OFFLINE ERROR.  Galil::record() called without Galil::address set
