gclib  2.0.8
Communications API for Galil controllers and PLCs

◆ GArrayDownload()

void GArrayDownload ( string  array_name,
ref List< double >  data,
Int16  first = -1,
Int16  last = -1 

Downloads array data to a pre-dimensioned array in the controller's array table.

array_nameString containing the name of the array to download. Must match the array name used in DM.
dataA list of doubles, to be downloaded.
firstThe first element of the array for sub-array downloads.
lastThe last element of the array for sub-array downloads.

Wrapper around gclib GArrayDownload(), http://www.galil.com/sw/pub/all/doc/gclib/html/gclib_8h.html#a6ea5ae6d167675e4c27ccfaf2f240f8a The array must already exist on the controller, see DM and LA.

System.ExceptionWill throw an exception if anything other than G_NO_ERROR is received from gclib.