Install Repository
sudo apt install ./galil-release_1_all.deb
rm ./galil-release_1_all.deb
Install Packages
Serial/USB Controllers
If direct connections are desired (default connections use gcaps), add the user to the dialout group for access to serial and USB devices. Restart for changes to take effect.
PCI Controllers
PCI controllers require the Galil PCI driver to be installed.
If direct connections are desired (by default, connections use gcaps), add the user to the galil group. Restart for changes to take effect.
On an UEFI system with Secure Boot enabled, you need to import the DKMS MOK certificate before the PCI driver can be loaded. See the DKMS documentation for instructions.
GDK is now available on the desktop or command line:
For development, gclib has been added to system include paths.