The Galil Communications Library (gclib) is a C API that allows users to connect to and communicate with Galil controllers. Galil provides multiple wrappers around gclib, allowing for use in C++, Python, Java, C#, Visual Basic, or LabVIEW projects.
All languages require the underlying C library to be installed.
Windows Linux
Follow the instructions to build a simple example program using gclib.
C/C++ Python Java C# VB LabVIEW
Install CMake .
Install one of the supported compilers:
MSVC 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) or later
MinGW 8.1 or later
Compile and run the Hello World example: > cmake -S "%GCLIB_ROOT%\examples\c" -B build
> cd build
> cmake --build .
> .\hello-world.exe
gclib version is 2.1.20 2.1.20
Hello World!
Install CMake and gcc.
RHEL / CentOS Stream / Fedora / Rocky Ubuntu / Debian / Raspberry Pi OS
$ sudo dnf install cmake gcc
$ sudo apt install cmake gcc
Compile and run the Hello World program: $ cmake -S /usr/share/gclib/examples/c -B build
$ cd build
$ cmake --build .
$ ./hello-world
gclib version is 2.1.20 2.1.20
Hello World!
> py -m pip install
> copy "%GCLIB_ROOT%\examples\python\*" .
> py
>>> import gclib
'py.2.1.20 2.1.20'
$ python3 -m venv gclib
$ source gclib/bin/activate
(gclib) $ pip install
(gclib) $ cp /usr/share/gclib/examples/python/* .
(gclib) $ python
>>> import gclib
'py.2.1.20 2.1.20'
To compile Java programs, ensure the JDK is installed, as the JRE does not provide a Java compiler.
> curl -O
> tar -xvf gclib-java-1.0.0.tar
> cd gclib-java-1.0.0
> set CLASSPATH=.;.\*;lib\*
> robocopy "%GCLIB_ROOT%\examples\java" examples
> javac examples\* -d .
> java HelloWorld
gclib version is 2.1.20 2.1.20
Hello World!
$ curl -O
$ tar -xvf gclib-java-1.0.0.tar
$ cd gclib-java-1.0.0
$ export CLASSPATH=.:./*:lib/*
$ javac /usr/share/gclib/examples/java/* -d .
$ java HelloWorld
gclib version is 2.1.20 2.1.20
Hello World!
> curl -O
> dotnet nuget add source %cd% --name gclib
> robocopy /e "%GCLIB_ROOT%\examples\cs" examples
> cd examples
> dotnet run --project HelloWorld
gclib version is 2.1.20 2.1.20
Hello World!
> curl -O
> dotnet nuget add source %cd% --name gclib
> robocopy /e "%GCLIB_ROOT%\examples\vb" examples
> cd examples
> dotnet run --project HelloWorld
gclib version is 2.1.20 2.1.20
Hello World!
Right click the downloaded file and choose "Add to VIPM Library".
Choose "Add To Library & Install" when prompted.
Search for gclib
in the package list, then double click on it to bring up the package info.
To see all available functions, click "Show in Palettes"
To see all example VIs, click "Show Examples"