gclib  2.0.8
Communications API for Galil controllers and PLCs
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 using System;
8 using System.Collections.Generic;
9 using System.ComponentModel;
10 using System.Data;
11 using System.Drawing;
12 using System.Linq;
13 using System.Text;
14 using System.Threading.Tasks;
15 using System.Windows.Forms;
17 namespace gclib_example
18 {
22  public partial class MainForm : Form
23  {
25  #region "UI"
27  //form's ctor
28  public MainForm()
29  {
30  InitializeComponent();
31  }
33  //Runs when form loads
34  private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
35  {
36  PrintOutput("Enter a FULL GOpen() address above and click Go", PrintStyle.Instruction);
37  PrintOutput("NOTE: This demo will attempt to move Axis A", PrintStyle.Instruction);
38  }
40  // Opens Galil's help to show GOpen() options
41  private void HelpLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
42  {
43  //link to GOpen() documentation.
44  System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.galil.com/sw/pub/all/doc/gclib/html/gclib_8h_aef4aec8a85630eed029b7a46aea7db54.html#aef4aec8a85630eed029b7a46aea7db54");
45  }
47  //Runs when user clicks Go button
48  private void GoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
49  {
50  if (AddressTextBox.Text.Length == 0)
51  {
52  PrintOutput("Enter a FULL GOpen() address above and click Go", PrintStyle.Instruction);
53  return;
54  }
55  RunDemo(AddressTextBox.Text);
56  }
58  //Various print styles.
59  private enum PrintStyle
60  {
61  Instruction,
62  Normal,
63  GalilData,
64  GclibData,
65  Err,
66  }
74  private void PrintOutput(string Message, PrintStyle Style = PrintStyle.Normal, bool SuppressCrLf = false)
75  {
76  if (Output.InvokeRequired)
77  {
78  Output.Invoke(new Printer(PrintOutput), new object[] { Message, Style, SuppressCrLf });
79  }
80  else
81  {
82  Color color;
84  switch (Style)
85  {
86  case PrintStyle.Instruction:
87  color = Color.Black;
88  break;
89  case PrintStyle.GalilData:
90  color = Color.Green;
91  break;
92  case PrintStyle.Normal:
93  color = Color.Blue;
94  break;
95  case PrintStyle.Err:
96  color = Color.Red;
97  break;
98  case PrintStyle.GclibData:
99  color = Color.Magenta;
100  break;
101  default:
102  color = Color.Blue;
103  break;
104  }//switch
106  Output.SelectionStart = Output.Text.Length;
107  Output.SelectionColor = color;
108  Output.AppendText(Message);
110  if (!SuppressCrLf)
111  Output.AppendText("\r\n");
113  }//invoke check
114  }
116  #endregion
118  #region "Threading"
126  private delegate void Printer(string Message, PrintStyle Style, bool SuppressCrLf);
133  private void RunDemo(string address)
134  {
135  MainToolStrip.Enabled = false;
136  Output.Clear();
137  GclibBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(address);
138  }
144  private void GclibBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
145  {
146  PrintOutput("Running Demo with address " + e.Argument, PrintStyle.Normal);
147  TheDemo((string)e.Argument); //call the actual demo code
148  }
153  private void GclibBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
154  {
155  PrintOutput("Demo thread done.", PrintStyle.Normal);
156  MainToolStrip.Enabled = true;
157  }
159  #endregion
161  #region "Demo Code"
163  private void TheDemo(string address)
164  {
165  gclib gclib = null;
166  try
167  {
168  gclib = new gclib(); //constructor can throw, so keep it in a Try block
170  PrintOutput("gclib version: ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
171  PrintOutput(gclib.GVersion(), PrintStyle.GclibData);
173  //*** Uncomment below for network utilities ***
174  //PrintOutput("Controllers requesting IP addresses...");
175  //string[] macs = gclib.GIpRequests();
176  //if (macs.Length == 0)
177  // PrintOutput("None");
178  //else
179  // foreach (string m in macs)
180  // PrintOutput(m);
182  //gclib.GAssign("", "00:50:4c:20:01:23"); //Assign an IP to an unassigned controller
184  PrintOutput("Available connections:");
185  string[] addrs = gclib.GAddresses();
186  if (addrs.Length == 0)
187  {
188  PrintOutput("None");
189  }
190  else
191  {
192  foreach (string a in addrs)
193  {
194  PrintOutput(a, PrintStyle.GclibData);
195  }
196  }
198  PrintOutput("Opening connection to \"" + address + "\"... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
199  gclib.GOpen(address);
200  PrintOutput("Connected.", PrintStyle.Normal);
201  PrintOutput(gclib.GInfo(), PrintStyle.GalilData);
203  // gclib.GCommand("BN"); //send BN if IP address was assigned above
205  PrintOutput("Sending \"MG TIME\"", PrintStyle.Normal);
206  PrintOutput(gclib.GCommand("MG TIME", false), PrintStyle.GalilData);
208  PrintOutput("Downloading Program... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
209  gclib.GProgramDownload("i=0\r#A;MG i{N};i=i+1;WT10;JP#A,i<10;EN", "");
211  PrintOutput("Uploading Program");
212  PrintOutput(gclib.GProgramUpload(), PrintStyle.GalilData);
214  PrintOutput("Blocking GMessage call");
215  gclib.GCommand("XQ");
216  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200);
217  //wait a bit to queue up some messages
218  PrintOutput(gclib.GMessage(), PrintStyle.GalilData);
219  //get them all in one blocking read
221  PrintOutput("Downloading Program... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
222  gclib.GProgramDownload("WT 1000; MG TIME; EN", "");
223  //prints a messsage after 1 second
225  PrintOutput("Uploading Program");
226  PrintOutput(gclib.GProgramUpload(), PrintStyle.GalilData);
228  PrintOutput("Non-blocking GMessage call", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
229  gclib.GCommand("XQ");
230  gclib.GTimeout(0);
231  //set a zero timeout for a non-blocking read
232  string msg = "";
233  while ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)))
234  {
235  msg = gclib.GMessage();
236  PrintOutput(".", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
237  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20);
238  //do something useful here...
239  }
240  PrintOutput("Message: ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
241  PrintOutput(msg.Trim(), PrintStyle.GalilData);
242  gclib.GTimeout(-1);
243  //put the timeout back
244  //NOTE: Both GRecord and GInterrupt also have non-blocking mode with 0 timeout.
246  PrintOutput("Downloading Program... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
247  gclib.GProgramDownload("WT 1000; UI 8; EN", "");
248  //fires an interrupt after 1 second
250  PrintOutput("Uploading Program");
251  PrintOutput(gclib.GProgramUpload(), PrintStyle.GalilData);
253  PrintOutput("Non-blocking GInterrupt call", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
254  gclib.GCommand("XQ");
255  gclib.GTimeout(0);
256  //set a zero timeout for a non-blocking read
257  byte b = 0;
258  while ((b == 0))
259  {
260  b = gclib.GInterrupt();
261  PrintOutput(".", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
262  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20);
263  //do something useful here...
264  }
265  PrintOutput("Byte: ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
266  PrintOutput(b.ToString("X02"), PrintStyle.GalilData);
267  gclib.GTimeout(-1);
268  //put the timeout back
270  PrintOutput("Getting some synchronous data records");
271  gclib.GDataRecord4000 DataRecord;
272  for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
273  {
274  DataRecord = gclib.GRecord<gclib.GDataRecord4000>(false);
275  PrintOutput(DataRecord.sample_number + " ", PrintStyle.GalilData, true);
276  //need help accessing the data record? Contact softwaresupport@galil.com
277  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
278  }
279  PrintOutput("");
281  PrintOutput("Getting some asynchronous data records");
282  gclib.GRecordRate(10);
283  //set up data records every 10 ms
284  for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
285  {
286  DataRecord = gclib.GRecord<gclib.GDataRecord4000>(true);
287  PrintOutput(DataRecord.sample_number + " ", PrintStyle.GalilData, true);
288  //no need to delay, asynchronous mode is dispatched by the Galil's RTOS.
289  }
290  gclib.GRecordRate(0);
291  //turn off data records
292  PrintOutput("");
294  PrintOutput("Downloading an array... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
295  List<double> array = new List<double>();
296  for (double i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
297  {
298  array.Add(i * 2);
299  }
300  gclib.GCommand("DA *[];DM array[10]");
301  //arrays must be dimensioned prior to download
302  gclib.GArrayDownload("array", ref array);
304  PrintOutput("Ok. Uploading array");
305  array = gclib.GArrayUpload("array");
306  foreach (double d in array)
307  {
308  PrintOutput(d.ToString("F4") + " ", PrintStyle.GalilData, true);
309  }
310  PrintOutput("");
312  PrintOutput("Performing a write... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
313  gclib.GWrite("QR\r");
314  //QR returns the binary data record
315  PrintOutput("Ok. Reading binary data... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
316  byte[] data = gclib.GRead();
317  PrintOutput("Ok. Read " + data.Length + " bytes.");
319  PrintOutput("Preparing A axis. This could cause errors if the axis is not initialized...", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
320  gclib.GCommand("AB;MO;SHA");
321  //compound commands are possible though typically not recommended
322  PrintOutput("Ok");
323  gclib.GCommand("PRA=5000");
324  gclib.GCommand("SPA=5000");
325  PrintOutput("Profiling a move on axis A... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
326  gclib.GCommand("BGA");
327  PrintOutput("Waiting for motion to complete... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
328  gclib.GMotionComplete("A");
329  PrintOutput("done");
330  PrintOutput("Going back... ", PrintStyle.Normal, true);
331  gclib.GCommand("PRA=-5000");
332  gclib.GCommand("BGA");
333  gclib.GMotionComplete("A");
334  PrintOutput("done");
335  }
336  catch (Exception ex)
337  {
338  PrintOutput("Error: " + ex.Message, PrintStyle.Err);
339  }
340  finally
341  {
342  if (gclib != null)
343  gclib.GClose(); //don't forget to close the connection
344  }
345  }
346  #endregion
347  }
348 }
Demonstrates using gclib in a Windows Form, including using a second thread to free the GUI.
Definition: Form1.cs:23
string GProgramUpload()
Allows uploading of a DMC program to a string.
Definition: gclib.cs:499
string GVersion()
Used to get the gclib version.
Definition: gclib.cs:614
void GOpen(string address)
Used to open a connection to Galil hardware.
Definition: gclib.cs:445
void GWrite(string buffer)
Performs a write on the connection.
Definition: gclib.cs:635
string GCommand(string Command, bool Trim=true)
Used for command-and-response transactions.
Definition: gclib.cs:257
void GArrayDownload(string array_name, ref List< double > data, Int16 first=-1, Int16 last=-1)
Downloads array data to a pre-dimensioned array in the controller's array table.
Definition: gclib.cs:126
string GInfo()
Provides a useful connection string.
Definition: gclib.cs:344
void GProgramDownload(string program, string preprocessor="")
Allows downloading of a DMC program from a string buffer.
Definition: gclib.cs:465
string[] GAddresses()
Return a string array of available connection addresses.
Definition: gclib.cs:102
byte GInterrupt()
Provides access to PCI and UDP interrupts from the controller.
Definition: gclib.cs:364
string GMessage()
Provides access to unsolicited messages.
Definition: gclib.cs:407
byte[] GRead()
Performs a read on the connection.
Definition: gclib.cs:536
void GMotionComplete(string axes)
Blocking call that returns once all axes specified have completed their motion.
Definition: gclib.cs:428
void GTimeout(Int16 timeout_ms)
Set the timeout of communication transactions. Use -1 to set the original timeout from GOpen().
Definition: gclib.cs:604
List< double > GArrayUpload(string array_name, Int16 first=-1, Int16 last=-1)
Uploads array data from the controller's array table.
Definition: gclib.cs:173
void GClose()
Used to close a connection to Galil hardware.
Definition: gclib.cs:239
void GRecordRate(double period_ms)
Sets the asynchronous data record to a user-specified period via DR.
Definition: gclib.cs:588
Provides a class that binds to gclib's unmanaged dll. Wraps each call and provides a more user-friend...
Definition: gclib.cs:68
void e(GReturn rc)
A trivial, C++ style return code check used in Galil's examples and demos.
Definition: examples.h:33
Data record struct for DMC-4000 controllers, including 4000, 4200, 4103, and 500x0.
Definition: gclib.cs:919