gclib  2.0.8
Communications API for Galil controllers and PLCs

◆ GArrayUpload()

List<double> GArrayUpload ( string  array_name,
Int16  first = -1,
Int16  last = -1 

Uploads array data from the controller's array table.

array_nameString containing the name of the array to upload.
firstThe first element of the array for sub-array uploads.
lastThe last element of the array for sub-array uploads.
The desired array as a list of doubles.

Wrapper around gclib GArrayUpload(), http://www.galil.com/sw/pub/all/doc/gclib/html/gclib_8h.html#af215806ec26ba06ed3f174ebeeafa7a7

System.ExceptionWill throw an exception if anything other than G_NO_ERROR is received from gclib.