gclib 2.0.9
Communications API for Galil controllers and PLCs
No Matches

Open Visual Studio Project

The following instructions were performed on Visual Studio Professional 2017 and can be extended to other Visual Studio versions. For brevity, the instructions assume the default installation location of C:\Program Files (x86)\Galil\gclib and a build type of x64.

Copy files

  • Navigate to a convenient, empty, writable location, e.g. C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Galil\vb_examples.
  • Copy the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Galil\gclib\examples\vb\examples to this location.

Configure Project

  • Launch Visual Studio 2017.
  • Choose File->Open->Project/Solution....
  • Navigate to the examples.sln file in the C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Galil\vb_examples directory.
  • Click Open.
  • In the Solution Explorer right-click on the examples project file, choose Properties.
    • Click the Compile tab.
      • At the top of the window next to Platform choose x64.
      • Close the properties window.
    • In the Solution Explorer right-click on the examples project file, choose Add->Existing Item.
      • Navigate to the gclib VB wrapper at location C:\Program Files (x86)\Galil\gclib\source\wrappers\vb and select gclib.vb.
      • Click OK.
  • Many of the examples require command line arguments to execute. To enter command line arguments in Visual Studio:
    • In the Solution Explorer right-click on the examples project file, choose Properties.
      • Under Debug, enter the appropriate arguments in the Command line Arguments box. Refer to each example's landing page for required command line arguments.
  • Ensure the Solution Configurations and Solution Platforms are set to Debug and x64 respectively.
  • Hit F5 to build and run the example.

Run a Different Example

To run a different example, change the Startup object to the new example.

  • In the Solution Explorer right-click on the examples project file, choose Properties.
    • Click the Application tab.
      • Under the Startup object dropdown, select a different example.
    • Click the Debug tab.
      • Enter the appropriate arguments in the Command line arguments box. Refer to each example's landing page for required command line arguments.
  • Hit F5 to build and run the example.