gclib 2.0.9
Communications API for Galil controllers and PLCs
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Example Projects


Welcome to gclib Example Projects. The Galil Communication Library (gclib) is a communication library for Galil motion controllers and PLCs. A number of programming languages, operating systems, and hardware platforms are supported. These in-depth examples will demonstrate how to use the basics of gclib such as connecting to the controller and issuing commands, as well as more advanced topics such as assigning a controller an IP Address and monitoring interrupts.


Example Description
Commands Example Demonstrates various uses of GCommand() and GUtility().
Message Example Demonstrates how to receive messages from the controller and detect differences in Trace and crashed code.
Position Tracking Example Puts controller into Position Tracking Mode and accepts user-entered positions.
Jog Example Puts controller into Jog Mode and accepts user input to adjust the speed.
Vector Mode Example Puts controller into Vector Mode and accepts a file defining vector points.
IP Assigner Example Assigns controller an IP Adress given a serial number and a 1 byte address.
Motion Complete Example Uses interrupts to track when the motion of controller is completed.
Record Position Example Record user's training and saves to a text file.
Contour Example Record user's training and plays back training through contour mode.
Remote Server Example Advertise local gcaps server on the network.
Remote Client Example Discover and connect to other gcaps servers on the network.


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