Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC software allows the user to open TCP/IP sockets directly to a Galil Controller using their TwinCAT TCP/IP Server Communication Supplement.
This post provides a simple function block example that opens a connection to the Galil Controller, then sends commands and receives the responses at 1 second intervals. This code allows for basic communication from the TwinCAT PLC to a Galil Controller. The full project can be found here:
The code is shown below:
The IP address and command sent to the controller are defined in the MAIN (PRG) as i_sRemoteHost and sSendCommand respectively.
PROGRAM MAIN VAR lrVar1: LREAL := 123.45; fbGalil: FB_Galil; tUpdate: TIME := T#1s; xEnable: BOOL := TRUE; sSendCommand: STRING := 'MG TIME'; END_VAR
(* P_simple_TCPIP(); *) fbGalil( i_xEnable:= xEnable, i_sSrvNetID:= '', i_sRemoteHost:= '', i_nRemotePort:=23 , i_tReconnect:= T#5s , i_tUpdateTime:= tUpdate, lrVar1:= lrVar1, lrVar2:=0, sSendCommand:=sSendCommand );
The communication is handled in the FB_Galil (FB) Function Block - code is shown below.
FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_Galil VAR_INPUT i_xEnable :BOOL; i_sSrvNetID :STRING := ''; i_sRemoteHost :STRING; i_nRemotePort :UDINT; i_tReconnect :TIME := t#45s; i_tUpdateTime :TIME := T#1s; lrVar1 :LREAL; lrVar2 :LREAL; sSendCommand :STRING; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR fbClientServerConnection: FB_ClientServerConnection; fbSocketSend: FB_SocketSend; sSendString: STRING; fbSocketReceive: FB_SocketReceive; iStep: INT; rtEnable: R_TRIG; tonUpdate: TON; sReceiveString: STRING; END_VAR
rtEnable(CLK:=i_xEnable); IF i_xEnable = FALSE THEN iStep := 0; END_IF CASE iStep OF 0: (* idle *) fbClientServerConnection.bEnable:= FALSE; fbSocketSend.bExecute := FALSE; fbSocketReceive.bExecute := FALSE; IF i_xEnable = TRUE THEN iStep := 10; END_IF 10: (* make the conection *) fbClientServerConnection.bEnable:= TRUE; IF fbClientServerConnection.eState = eSOCKET_CONNECTED THEN iStep := 100; ELSIF fbClientServerConnection.bError THEN iStep :=0; END_IF 100: IF tonUpdate.Q THEN fbSocketSend.bExecute := FALSE; (* reset send*) fbSocketReceive.bExecute := FALSE; (*reset receive *) iStep := 110; tonUpdate(IN := FALSE); (* reset timer *) END_IF 110: (* command to just set a variable - this would be commanded moves as well (ie PA, BG etc) *) (* sSendString := 'var1=TIME'; (* append a number to a variable decleration - ie var1=123.45 *) (* sSendString := 'var1='; sSendString := CONCAT(sSendString,LREAL_TO_STRING(lrVar1)); *) sSendString := CONCAT(sSendString,'$r');(*append carriage return and line feed*) fbSocketSend.pSrc:= ADR(sSendString); fbSocketSend.cbLen := LEN(sSendString); fbSocketSend.bExecute := TRUE; *) (* command with a response *) sSendString := sSendCommand; sSendString := CONCAT(sSendString,'$r$n');(*append carriage return and line feed*) fbSocketSend.pSrc:= ADR(sSendString); fbSocketSend.cbLen := LEN(sSendString); fbSocketSend.bExecute := TRUE; iStep := 120; 120: IF NOT fbSocketSend.bBusy THEN IF NOT fbSocketSend.bError THEN iStep := 125; ELSE (* hanldle error *) iStep := 9000; END_IF END_IF 125: (*clear memory for receive string and set receive to true *) MEMSET(destAddr:=ADR(sReceiveString), fillByte:=0, n:=SIZEOF(sReceiveString)); fbSocketReceive.bExecute := TRUE; iStep := 130; 130: (* read receive data *) fbSocketReceive.pDest := ADR(sReceiveString); fbSocketReceive.cbLen := SIZEOF(sReceiveString) - 1; iStep := 140; 140: (* check to see if received data - if not, read again (130) *) IF NOT fbSocketReceive.bBusy THEN IF NOT fbSocketReceive.bError THEN IF fbSocketReceive.nRecBytes > 0 THEN iStep := 100; ELSE fbSocketReceive.bExecute := FALSE; (*reset receive *) iStep := 125; END_IF ELSE (* hanldle error *) iStep := 9000; END_IF END_IF 9000: (* error step *) iStep:=0; END_CASE fbClientServerConnection( sSrvNetID:= i_sSrvNetID, nMode:= CONNECT_MODE_ENABLEDBG, sRemoteHost:= i_sRemoteHost, nRemotePort:= i_nRemotePort, tReconnect:= i_tReconnect ); fbSocketSend( sSrvNetId:='' , hSocket:= fbClientServerConnection.hSocket, tTimeout:= t#2s); fbSocketReceive( sSrvNetId:='' , hSocket:= fbClientServerConnection.hSocket, tTimeout:= t#2s); tonUpdate(IN := TRUE, PT:= i_tUpdateTime);