Integrating Galil motor controllers into a physical system takes both electrical and physical considerations. To electrically integrate the Galil motor controllers into the system, wiring schematics can be developed which show how to handle and route all electrical signals. Physical integration can be done by allowing for the maximum dimension envelope in the layout and in the desired location on the machine. However, as the design of many machines has become more precise, machines have become more compact and the world of CAD and 3-D modeling has evolved, representing a Galil motor controller as a virtual 3-D object in a system has been made possible. This can be done down to the fine details of the controller, allowing for integration of the controller into even tighter envelopes, and specification of things like mounting points, wire harness locations, etc.Although Galil does not make models of their motor controllers readily available, upon request, and depending on availability, Galil's Applications staff can provide you with models, and 3-D solids of many of their controllers. These 3-D solids, typically provided in .dxf format, can be converted into many other formats using tools provided by the 3-D modeling software.
The following example shows how to convert the Galil .dxf file of a DMC-2143, with an AMP-20540 sandwiched on top, to the very common .slw format used by the popular modeling program, SolidWorks.
1) The first step is to obtain the .DXF solid from Galil.
2) The next step is to open the file through Solidworks.
You will be prompted by a screen seen below, giving you many options as to how to import the file. To import Galil-generated files, select the option to import as a new part. Select the radio button next to "Import a new part" and click next.
3) The next screen to appear will be the following. This allows you to import selected layers as a 2-D drawing, or to import the file as a 3-D model. Select the tab that is labeled "Model" (located under the preview window). This should automatically check the "Import sheet as" check box and fill in the text box next to the check box with "Model." This indicates to the program that you wish to import the file as a solid, 3-D model and not a 2-D drawing. Click next.
4) The final screen can be seen below. To import the file as a 3-D solid and not a 2-D sketch, select the radio button labeled "as 3D curves/model." This should automatically populate the check box next to the radio button labeled "Import this sheet:." The option to change import dimensions is also given in the upper left corner drop down menu.
5) After selecting 3-D model click on "Finish." Solidworks will automatically render the part as a 3-D solid within design space. This can be imported into an assembly or other modeling documents. Solidworks also allows you to save the model as many other different CAD formats in case another is desired.