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The RIO family of pocket PLC's has the ability to send emails when connected to a network with an SMTP Mail Server. This can be very useful for sending messages and alerts.  For example, if the temperature in a thermal control system raises above a certain threshold it may indicate that something is wrong at which point a technician can be notified by email.

To configure the RIO to send emails requires 3 configuration commands.

MA - used to set the SMTP email server IP address

MD - used to set the destination email address

MS - used to set the source address

It is recommended that you contact your IT department for details on your mail server settings. Also, email message frequency should be limited so as not to overload the email server.

Code to implement the example above might look like this

MA66,60,181,142;' mail server
JP#LOOP,@AN[0]<3;'Continue loop while analog input 0 is less then 3V
'If analog input 3 is above 3V send email.
MG"System Overheating. Send Help!"{M}