| __init__ (self) |
| Constructor for the Connection class.
| __del__ (self) |
| Destructor for the Connection class.
| GOpen (self, address) |
| Opens a connection a galil controller.
| GClose (self) |
| Closes a connection to a Galil Controller.
| GCommand (self, command) |
| Performs a command-and-response transaction on the connection.
| GSleep (self, val) |
| Provides a blocking sleep call which can be useful for timing-based chores.
| GVersion (self) |
| Provides the gclib version number.
| GServerStatus (self) |
| Provides the local server name and whether it is published to the local network.
| GSetServer (self, server_name) |
| Set the new active server.
| GListServers (self) |
| Provide a list of all available gcaps servers on the local network.
| GPublishServer (self, server_name, publish, save) |
| Publish local gcaps server to the network.
| GRemoteConnections (self) |
| Shows all remote addresses that are connected to the local server.
| GInfo (self) |
| Provides a useful connection string.
| GIpRequests (self) |
| Provides a dictionary of all Galil controllers requesting IP addresses via BOOT-P or DHCP.
| GAssign (self, ip, mac) |
| Assigns IP address over the Ethernet to a controller at a given MAC address.
| GAddresses (self) |
| Provides a dictionary of all available connection addresses.
| GProgramDownload (self, program, preprocessor="") |
| Downloads a program to the controller's program buffer.
| GProgramUpload (self) |
| Uploads a program from the controller's program buffer.
| GProgramDownloadFile (self, file_path, preprocessor="") |
| Program download from file.
| GProgramUploadFile (self, file_path) |
| Program upload to file.
| GArrayDownload (self, name, first, last, array_data) |
| Downloads array data to a pre-dimensioned array in the controller's array table.
| GArrayUploadFile (self, file_path, names=[]) |
| Uploads the entire controller array table or a subset and saves the data as a csv file specified by file_path.
| GArrayDownloadFile (self, file_path) |
| Downloads a csv file containing array data at file_path.
| GArrayUpload (self, name, first, last) |
| Uploads array data from the controller's array table.
| GTimeout (self, timeout) |
| Set the library timeout.
| timeout (self) |
| Convenience property read access to timeout value.
| timeout (self, timeout) |
| Convenience property write access to timeout value.
| GFirmwareDownload (self, file_path) |
| Upgrade firmware.
| GMessage (self) |
| Provides access to unsolicited messages from the controller.
| GMotionComplete (self, axes) |
| Blocking call that returns once all axes specified have completed their motion.
| GInterrupt (self) |
| Provides access to PCI and UDP interrupts from the controller.
| GSetupDownloadFile (self, file_path, options) |
| Downloads specified sectors from a Galil compressed backup (gcb) file to a controller.