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[White Paper] Introducing Galil's New H-bot Firmware

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Video 1: Galil's New H-bot Firmware in Action.


There are many applications that require movement in planar space, or movement along two perpendicular axes. This two dimensional system can be fitted with additional motors to increase the number of degrees of freedom. These types of applications can range from specimen positioning for a microscope and 3D printers to product packaging and material application. The most common way that planar motion is achieved is using a machine based on the XY stage or gantry system. This type of system can have many drawbacks which will be outlined later in this article. An alternative to these types of machines is the H-Bot which has many advantages when compared to XY stages or gantries. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using an H-Bot for systems that use planar movement as well as Galil's H-Bot firmware solution for the DMC-40x0.