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Galil's application note library provides useful technical information about various topics including Galil motion controllers and RIO PLCs, DMC programming, software, motors, drives, encoders HMI's and other hardware.

Application Note numbers have special meaning. See the legend below for more information.

A: 1 = Hardware
2 = Application Programming
3 = Firmware
4 = Software
5 = Miscellaneous
B: 1 = Unused
2 = Econo
3 = Legacy
4 = Optima
5 = Accelera
CD: xx = number of the note

Featured Application Notes

Application Note Category
Note 5434: Connecting a DVT Camera to Galil via Ethernet Motors Drives, Encoders, Terminals, & Other Hardware, Other Devices
Note 5413: Recommended Techniques to Minimize Noise Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 1320: Mechanical Dimensions of the DMC-1500 Legacy Hardware
Note 1317: Lost Chars on DMC-1500 Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 1314: Converting RS-232 To RS-422 on DMC-1500 Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 1313: Serial Port Test for DMC-1500 Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 1312: The 24Volt Power Option for the DMC-1500 Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 1311: Specifying Analog Feedback Option Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 1310: Using Dedicated I/O for General Use Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 5418: Preventing PCI Resource Conflicts on Intel Systems Archive, Legacy Software
Note 1320: Mechanical Dimensions, Galil Hardware of the DMC-1500 Archive, Legacy Hardware
Note 3501: Generate CR Command from Other Common Ways to Define an Arc DMC Programming, Software
Note 5527: Tuning an ALIO Industries Linear XY Stage for nanometer positioning Motors Drives, Encoders, Terminals, & Other Hardware
Note 5528: CABLE-44F-1M Pinout & Color Code Galil Hardware, Cables, Connectors, AMPs and ICMs
Note 5529: CABLE-26F-1M Pinout & Color Code Galil Hardware, Cables, Connectors, AMPs and ICMs
Note 5530: Raspberry Pi Interface with Galil Controllers Motors Drives, Encoders, Terminals, & Other Hardware
Note 5531: Tuning a Piezomotor DMC-30019 and LEGS Piezoelectric Motor for High Resolution Motion Control Tuning
Note 1454: CABLE-100-1M Dimensions and Description Cables, Connectors, AMPs and ICMs
Note 5532: Positioning a Stepper Motor Using Encoder Feedback on an Axis With Non-Linear Mechanics Tuning
Note 4501: Using Mach4 Drivers with Galil Software, Third Party Software Packages